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Postgraduate Midwifery Program

For a registered nurse to gain a midwifery qualification they must be enrolled in a recognised postgraduate university course in midwifery and be concurrently employed in a midwifery student position in a maternity service.  

Midwifery education is highly valued, and we are proud to participate in the clinical placement and training of midwifery students at the San. We provide extensive clinical support through maternity educators, clinical specialists and preceptors. 

We average 2,000 births each year in our unit which features a dedicated 9-room birthing unit, antenatal and postnatal ward, special care nursery, lactation consultant service and plenty of education for parents both before and after the birth of their baby. 

Enrolment in the Postgraduate Midwifery Student program is made directly through the San. Applicants must apply separately for their university course. 


  • Applications will close on 5 October 2024
  • Interviews will take place between 15 - 22 October 2024
  • Notification of results will occur from 1 November 2024

For more information on the program and how to apply please contact: 
Karen Soar 
Maternity Educator, Graduate Midwifery Coordinator 