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Focus Day 2023

San Leaders Focus Day Supporting ADRA

“Together: Collaborating as a community to get where we need to go,” was the key theme of Adventist HealthCare’s (AHCL) annual Focus Day for 2023. 

Held each year, Focus Day is an opportunity for the San leadership team to examine the hospital’s mission, recognise achievements of the previous financial year and look to the strategic objectives for the next financial year.

“Our Leaders Focus Day 2023 was a great opportunity for AHCL leaders to take time out from their day-to-day operational requirements and spend time on our strategic priorities. That included Adventist HealthCare’s purpose, which was vividly reinforced by Dr Bert Clifford who shared with leaders his experience as San Medical Superintendent (CEO) for 22 years. We reflected on our achievements for 2022/23, and then our Executives and Directors updated leaders on the progress and priorities for 2023/24 in each of our Strategic Focus Arenas,” said Mr Brett Goods, Adventist HealthCare CEO. 

Annabelle Chauncy OAM gave an inspiring keynote address on her journey from a 20-year-old over 17 years to bring education & opportunity to children in Uganda.

This year, the event was attended by about 80 senior managers from the San and San Day Surgery Hornsby.

As the day drew to a close, leaders listened to a presentation from Denison Grellmann, CEO of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency before packing 180 relief parcels for families.

“The contents were donated by several generous companies as well as leaders who made contributions. Why did we do this? To allow the leadership group to do something practical for those in our city who are much less fortunate than we are,” Mr Goods said. 

San Leaders meet for Focus Day San Leaders pack bags for ADRA during Focus Day  

